Amiga Format CD 32
Amiga Format AFCD32 (Nov 1998, Issue 117).iso
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937 lines
;HRTmon Amiga system monitor
;Copyright (C) 1991-1998 Alain Malek Alain.Malek@cryogen.com
;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
;of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;GNU General Public License for more details.
;You can find the full GNU GPL online at: http://www.gnu.org
;-------------- gfx ripper --------------------------------
cmd_p bsr evaluate ;read picno
bmi.w illegal_val ;illegal expression ?
beq.b .okpara ;got one param ?
moveq #0,d0 ;default picno
.okpara tst.l d0
bmi.w illegal_val
cmp.w #500,d0
bge.w illegal_val
jsr remove_pic
jsr analyse_copper
lea.l custom,a3
move.w $100(a3),d0 ;calc depth
btst #15,d0
sne hires
btst #11,d0
sne ham
moveq #8,d1 ;from BPLCON0
btst #4,d0 ;8 plan ?
bne.b .go8plan
rol.w #4,d0
and.w #%111,d0
move.w d0,d1
bne.b .go8plan ;at least 1 plan ?
moveq #1,d1
.go8plan move.w d1,depth
cmp.w #6,d1
seq ehb
move.w $104(a3),d0
btst #9,d0 ; kill ehb ?
beq.b .nokehb
sf ehb
movem.w $92(a3),d0-d1 ;DDFSTRT,DDFSTOP
move.w $1fc(a3),d2 ;FMODE
and.w #%11,d2
cmp.w #3,d2
bne.b .nolimit
move.w #$c0,d3
cmp.w d3,d1
ble.b .nolimit
move.w d3,d1
.nolimit sub.w d0,d1 ;calc width of pic
lsr.w #3,d1 ;from these
addq.w #1,d1 ;3 registers
cmp.w #3,d2
bne.b .nof3
addq.w #2,d1
bra.b .okfmode
.nof3 tst.w d2
beq.b .okfmode
addq.w #1,d1
.okfmode lsl.w #4,d1
tst.b hires
beq.b .nohi
lsl.w #1,d1
.nohi move.w d1,width
move.w #256,height ;height is fixed to 256
movem.l $e0(a3),d0-d7
movem.l d0-d7,bitplan ;set default bitplan address
move.w $108(a3),d1 ;calc. modulo
move.w $1fc(a3),d0 ;from FMODE
; tst.b hires
; bne.b .okfmodeb
and.w #%11,d0
cmp.w #3,d0
bne.b .nof3b
addq.w #8,d1
bra.b .okfmodeb
.nof3b tst.w d0
beq.b .okfmodeb
addq.w #4,d1
.okfmodeb move.w width,d0 ;and from width
sub.w #320,d0
asr.w #3,d0
add.w d0,d1
move.w d1,modulo
tst.w height
bgt.b .okh2
move.w #256,height
.okh2 tst.w width
bgt.b .okw2
move.w #320,width
bsr restore_palette
move.w #$7f7f,dkey
;-------------- main loop -----------------------
.raster move.l $4(a6),d0 ;wait next VBL
lsr.l #1,d0
lsr.w #7,d0
cmp.w #2,d0
bne.b .raster
movem.l bitplan,d0-d7
movem.l d0-d7,$e0(a6)
move.w modulo,d0
move.w d0,$108(a6)
move.w d0,$10a(a6)
move.w #$38,$92(a6)
move.w #$d0,$94(a6)
move.w #0,$102(a6)
move.w #%1100,$1fc(a6)
cmp.b #1,config_screen
bne.b .nontsc0
move.w #$0,$1dc(a6)
bra.b .okmode0
.nontsc0 cmp.b #2,config_screen
bne.b .nomulti0
move.w #$0,$1dc(a6)
bra.b .okmode0
.nomulti0 move.w #$20,$1dc(a6)
move.w #$2c81,$8e(a6)
moveq #0,d0 ;for $1e4
move.w #$2c,d1
add.w height,d1
cmp.b #1,config_screen
bne.b .nontsc
move.w #200+$2c,d2
bra.b .okmode
.nontsc move.w #256+$2c,d2
.okmode cmp.w d2,d1 ;max displayed height ?
ble.b .okmaxv
move.w d2,d1
.okmaxv cmp.w #$100,d1
blt.b .noVE8
or.w #$0100,d0
.noVE8 move.w #$81,d2
add.w width,d2
cmp.w #320+$81,d2 ;max displayed width ?
blt.b .okmaxh
move.w #320+$81,d2
.okmaxh cmp.w #$100,d2
blt.b .noHE8
or.w #$2000,d0
.noHE8 lsl.w #8,d1
and.w #$ff,d2
or.w d2,d1
move.w d1,$90(a6)
move.w d0,$1e4(a6)
move.w #$2,$106(a6) ;sprites outside
move.w spr_color,d0 ;sprite color bank 0-f
move.w d0,d1
lsl.w #4,d1
or.w d1,d0
move.w custom+$10c,d1
and.w #$ff00,d1
or.w d1,d0
move.w d0,$10c(a6)
move.w depth,d0
cmp.w #8,d0
bne.b .no8
move.w #$0010,d0
bra.b .go100
.no8 lsl.w #8,d0
lsl.w #4,d0
.go100 or.w #$0001,d0
tst.b ham
beq.b .noham
or.w #$800,d0
.noham move.w d0,$100(a6)
bsr do_param
bsr get_dkey
lea.l dkey,a0
move.b (a0),d0
cmp.b 1(a0),d0 ;cmp with old dkey
beq.b .nonew ;for repeat mode
move.w #20,dkey_rep
move.b (a0),1(a0)
bra.b .newkey
.nonew subq.w #1,dkey_rep
bpl.w .raster
clr.w dkey_rep
;-------------- L+R Shift ------------------
cmp.b #$60,d0
beq.b .shift
cmp.b #$61,d0
bne.b .noshift
.shift st dkey_shift
.noshift cmp.b #$60+$80,d0
beq.b .shift2
cmp.b #$61+$80,d0
bne.b .noshift2
.shift2 sf dkey_shift
;-------------- f10/esc exit gfx-ripper ----
cmp.b #$45+$80,d0
beq.b .exit
cmp.b #$59,d0
bne.b .no_f10
.exit move.b #$7f,(a0)
bra.w .end_show
;-------------- + add 1 bitplan ------------
cmp.b #$0c,d0
bne.b .noplus
cmp.w #8,depth
beq.b .noplus
addq.w #1,depth
;-------------- - sub 1 bitplan ------------
cmp.b #$0b,d0
bne.b .nominus
cmp.w #1,depth
beq.b .nominus
subq.w #1,depth
;-------------- down move pic down ---------
cmp.b #$4d,d0
bne.b .nodown
tst.b set_height
beq.b .noset
addq.w #1,tmp_height
sf dkey_shift
.noset moveq #40,d1
add.w modulo,d1
ext.l d1
tst.b dkey_shift
beq.b .nos1
muls height,d1
.nos1 move.b bitplan_lock,d2
lea.l bitplan,a1
moveq #8-1,d3
.plan lsr.b #1,d2
bcs.b .lock
add.l d1,(a1)
move.l max_chip,d5
subq.l #2,d5
and.l d5,(a1)
.lock addq.l #4,a1
dbf d3,.plan
;-------------- up move pic up -------------
cmp.b #$4c,d0
bne.b .noup
tst.b set_height
beq.b .noset2
tst.w tmp_height
beq.b .noup
subq.w #1,tmp_height
sf dkey_shift
.noset2 moveq #40,d1
add.w modulo,d1
ext.l d1
tst.b dkey_shift
beq.b .nos2
muls height,d1
.nos2 move.b bitplan_lock,d2
lea.l bitplan,a1
moveq #8-1,d3
.plan2 lsr.b #1,d2
bcs.b .lock2
sub.l d1,(a1)
move.l max_chip,d5
subq.l #2,d5
and.l d5,(a1)
.lock2 addq.l #4,a1
dbf d3,.plan2
;-------------- right move pic right -------
cmp.b #$4e,d0
bne.b .noright
moveq #2,d1
move.b bitplan_lock,d2
lea.l bitplan,a1
moveq #8-1,d3
.plan3 lsr.b #1,d2
bcs.b .lock3
add.l d1,(a1)
move.l max_chip,d5
subq.l #2,d5
and.l d5,(a1)
.lock3 addq.l #4,a1
dbf d3,.plan3
;-------------- left move pic left ---------
cmp.b #$4f,d0
bne.b .noleft
moveq #2,d1
move.b bitplan_lock,d2
lea.l bitplan,a1
moveq #8-1,d3
.plan4 lsr.b #1,d2
bcs.b .lock4
sub.l d1,(a1)
move.l max_chip,d5
subq.l #2,d5
and.l d5,(a1)
.lock4 addq.l #4,a1
dbf d3,.plan4
;-------------- 1-8 (un)lock bitplan -------
cmp.b #$01,d0
blt.b .nolock
cmp.b #$08,d0
bgt.b .nolock
moveq #0,d1
move.b d0,d1
subq.b #1,d1
bchg d1,bitplan_lock
move.b #$7f,(a0)
;-------------- M INC(modulo) --------------
cmp.b #$37,d0
bne.b .nom
addq.w #2,modulo
;-------------- N DEC(modulo) --------------
cmp.b #$36,d0
bne.b .non
subq.w #2,modulo
;-------------- , CLR(modulo) --------------
cmp.b #$38,d0
bne.b .novir
clr.w modulo
move.b #$7f,(a0)
;-------------- Q DEC(width) ---------------
cmp.b #$10,d0
bne.b .noq
cmp.w #16,width
beq.b .noq
sub.w #16,width
;-------------- W INC(width) ---------------
cmp.b #$11,d0
bne.b .now
cmp.w #2048,width
beq.b .now
add.w #16,width
;-------------- A DEC(height) ---------------
cmp.b #$20,d0
bne.b .noa
cmp.w #1,height
beq.b .noa
subq.w #1,height
;-------------- S INC(height) ---------------
cmp.b #$21,d0
bne.b .nos
cmp.w #2048,height
beq.b .nos
addq.w #1,height
;-------------- R reset bitplans -----------
cmp.b #$13,d0
bne.b .nor
lea.l bitplan,a1
move.l (a1)+,d1
moveq #7-1,d2
.reset move.l d1,(a1)+
dbf d2,.reset
move.b #$7f,(a0)
;-------------- Del INC(spr_color) ---------
cmp.b #$46,d0
bne.b .noDel
addq.w #1,spr_color
and.w #$f,spr_color
;-------------- Help sprite on/off ---------
cmp.b #$5f,d0
bne.b .noHelp
bsr flip_spr
;-------------- H HAM on/off ---------------
cmp.b #$25,d0
bne.b .noh
not.b ham
;-------------- E EHB on/off ---------------
cmp.b #$12,d0
bne.b .noe
not.b ehb
;-------------- F1 set picture height ------
cmp.b #$50,d0
bne.b .nof1
not.b set_height
bne.b .startset
move.w tmp_height,d1
bgt.b .oktmpheight
moveq #1,d1
.oktmpheight move.w d1,height
lea.l bitplan,a1
lea.l tmp_bitplan,a2
moveq #8-1,d1
.copyb2 move.l (a2)+,(a1)+ ;keep top of screen ptr
dbf d1,.copyb2
bra.b .nof1
.startset clr.w tmp_height
lea.l bitplan,a1
lea.l tmp_bitplan,a2
moveq #8-1,d1
.copyb move.l (a1)+,(a2)+ ;keep top of screen ptr
dbf d1,.copyb
;-------------- C (enable cheat sequence) --
cmp.b #$33,d0
bne.b .noc
lea.l cheat_cnt,a1
cmp.b #2,(a1)
beq.b .okcheat
sf (a1)
bra.b .noc
.okcheat sf (a1)
not.b cheat
bra.w .raster
move.b #$7f,dkey
move.w #8,$9c(a6)
clr.w nb_keys ;flush keyboard buffer
move.b #$7f,key_prev
sf set_height
tst.b gfx_param ;sprite was ON ?
beq.b .noflip
bsr flip_spr ;yes
move.w #$0120,$96(a6) ;sprites DMA and bitplan OFF
jsr set_pic
move.w #$8100,$96(a6) ;bitplan DMA on
lea.l plan_txt,a0
bsr print
lea.l bitplan,a1
move.w depth,d2
subq.w #1,d2
.pr move.l (a1)+,d0
moveq #8,d1
bsr print_hex
move.b #$20,d0
bsr .printchar
dbf d2,.pr
move.b #$a,d0
bsr .printchar
lea.l width_txt,a0
bsr print
moveq #0,d0
move.w width,d0
moveq #4,d1
bsr print_decCR
lea.l height_txt,a0
bsr print
move.w height,d0
moveq #4,d1
bsr print_decCR
lea.l depth_txt,a0
bsr print
move.w depth,d0
moveq #4,d1
bsr print_decCR
st p_used ;signal to allow sp command
jmp end_command
;-> d0=char
.printchar move.l a0,-(a7)
lea.l general_txt,a0
move.b d0,(a0)
sf 1(a0)
bsr print
move.l (a7)+,a0
plan_txt dc.b "Bitplans address : ",$a,0
width_txt dc.b "Picture width : ",0
height_txt dc.b "Picture height : ",0
depth_txt dc.b "Picture depth : ",0
cnop 0,4
;-------------- display parameters with sprite and mouse -----------------
do_param tst.b gfx_param
beq.w .noparam
bsr init_mouse
bsr init_spr
lea.l $120(a6),a0
move.l #0,(a0)+ ;sprite 0
move.l #sprite_len,(a0)+ ;sprite 1
move.l #empty_spr-sprite1,d0
moveq #6-1,d1
.clr move.l d0,(a0)+ ;don't use sprites 2-7
dbf d1,.clr
lea.l ($0+16).w,a0
lea.l bitplan,a1
moveq #4-1,d3
moveq #1,d0 ;xpos
moveq #0,d1 ;ypos
.nplan move.l (a1)+,d2
bsr SprPrintLong
addq.w #1,d1
dbf d3,.nplan
move.l #(sprite2+16-sprite1),a0
moveq #4-1,d3
moveq #1,d0 ;xpos
moveq #0,d1 ;ypos
.nplan2 move.l (a1)+,d2
bsr SprPrintLong
addq.w #1,d1
dbf d3,.nplan2
move.b bitplan_lock,d3
lea.l ($0+16).w,a0
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
moveq #4-1,d4
.lock1 moveq #19,d2 ;spc
lsr.b #1,d3
bcc.b .nolock1
moveq #18,d2 ;L
.nolock1 bsr print_spr_char
addq.w #1,d1
dbf d4,.lock1
move.l #(sprite2-sprite1+16),a0
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
moveq #4-1,d4
.lock2 moveq #19,d2 ;spc
lsr.b #1,d3
bcc.b .nolock2
moveq #18,d2 ;L
.nolock2 bsr print_spr_char
addq.w #1,d1
dbf d4,.lock2
move.l #(sprite2-sprite1+16),a0
moveq #10,d0
moveq #0,d1
moveq #16,d2 ;W
bsr print_spr_char
moveq #12,d0
moveq #0,d1
move.w width,d2
bsr SprPrintDec
moveq #10,d0
moveq #1,d1
moveq #17,d2 ;H
bsr print_spr_char
moveq #12,d0
moveq #1,d1
move.w height,d2
tst.b set_height
beq.b .noset
move.w tmp_height,d2
.noset bsr SprPrintDec
moveq #10,d0
moveq #2,d1
moveq #13,d2 ;D
bsr print_spr_char
moveq #19,d2
tst.b ham
beq.b .noham
moveq #17,d2 ;H
.noham moveq #10,d0
moveq #3,d1
bsr print_spr_char
moveq #19,d2
tst.b ehb
beq.b .noehb
moveq #$e,d2 ;E
.noehb moveq #12,d0
moveq #3,d1
bsr print_spr_char
moveq #15,d0
moveq #2,d1
move.w depth,d2
bsr print_spr_char
.noparam rts
;-> d0=xpos
;-> d1=ypos
;-> d2=long
;-> a0=sprite
SprPrintLong movem.l d0-d4,-(a7)
move.l d2,d3
moveq #8-1,d4
.loop rol.l #4,d3
move.l d3,d2
and.w #$f,d2
bsr print_spr_char
addq.w #1,d0
dbf d4,.loop
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d4
;-> d0=xpos
;-> d1=ypos
;-> d2=word
;-> a0=sprite
SprPrintWord movem.l d0-d4,-(a7)
move.l d2,d3
moveq #4-1,d4
.loop rol.w #4,d3
move.w d3,d2
and.w #$f,d2
bsr print_spr_char
addq.w #1,d0
dbf d4,.loop
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d4
;-> d0=xpos
;-> d1=ypos
;-> d2=number xxxx
;-> a0=sprite
SprPrintDec movem.l d0-d4,-(a7)
move.l d2,d3
divu #1000,d3
move.w d3,d2
bsr print_spr_char
addq.w #1,d0
clr.w d3
swap d3
divu #100,d3
move.w d3,d2
bsr print_spr_char
addq.w #1,d0
clr.w d3
swap d3
divu #10,d3
move.w d3,d2
bsr print_spr_char
addq.w #1,d0
swap d3
move.w d3,d2
bsr print_spr_char
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d4
;-> d0=x pos
;-> d1=y pos
;-> d2=char
;-> a0=top left of sprite (64 wide)
print_spr_char movem.l d0-d4/a0-a1,-(a7)
ext.l d0
mulu #6*16,d1
add.l d1,a0
lea.l sprfont,a1
moveq #5-1,d4
move.w d0,d3
lsr.w #1,d3
add.w d3,a0
.next move.b (a1,d2.w),d3
move.b (a0),d1
btst #0,d0
beq.b .noshift
lsr.w #4,d3
and.b #$f0,d1
bra.b .okshift
.noshift and.b #$0f,d1
.okshift or.w d3,d1
move.b d1,(a0)
lea.l 16(a0),a0 ;next line in sprite
lea.l 160/8(a1),a1 ;next line in font
dbf d4,.next
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d4/a0-a1
sprfont incbin sprfont.raw
;"0123456789abcdefwhl "
btst #6,$bfe001
seq left
btst #10-8,$16(a6)
seq right
moveq #0,d5
tst.b mouse_speed
beq.b pas_slow
moveq #1,d5
pas_slow: move.w $a(a6),d0
move.w d0,d1
lsr.w #8,d1 ;y
and.w #$ff,d0 ;x
move.w d0,d2
sub.w old_mx,d2
cmp.w #127,d2
blt.b mo_x1
move.w d0,d2
sub.w #256,d2
sub.w old_mx,d2
asr.w d5,d2
add.w d2,x_spr
move.w d0,old_mx
bra.b mo_x2
mo_x1: cmp.w #-127,d2
bgt.b mo_x3
move.w d0,d2
add.w #256,d2
sub.w old_mx,d2
asr.w d5,d2
add.w d2,x_spr
move.w d0,old_mx
bra.b mo_x2
mo_x3: asr.w d5,d2
add.w d2,x_spr
move.w d0,old_mx
mo_x2: move.w d1,d2
sub.w old_my,d2
cmp.w #127,d2
blt.b mo_y1
move.w d1,d2
sub.w #256,d2
sub.w old_my,d2
asr.w d5,d2
add.w d2,y_spr
move.w d1,old_my
bra.b mo_y2
mo_y1: cmp.w #-127,d2
bgt.b mo_y3
move.w d1,d2
add.w #256,d2
sub.w old_my,d2
asr.w d5,d2
add.w d2,y_spr
move.w d1,old_my
bra.b mo_y2
mo_y3: asr.w d5,d2
add.w d2,y_spr
move.w d1,old_my
mo_y2: rts
moveq #0,d1
move.w x_spr,d0
tst.w d0
bpl.b .so1
clr.w d0
move.w d0,x_spr
.so1 cmp.w #320-80,d0
blt.b .so2
move.w #319-80,d0
move.w d0,x_spr
lea.l $0.w,a1
move.w x_spr,d0
move.w y_spr,d2
bsr set_sprpos
move.l #(sprite2-sprite1),a1
move.w x_spr,d0
move.w y_spr,d2
add.w #44,d0
bsr set_sprpos
set_sprpos add.w #$81-8,d0
lsr.w #1,d0
bcc.b .so0
moveq #1,d1
.so0 move.b d0,1(a1)
move.w d2,d0
bpl.b .so3
clr.w d0
clr.w y_spr
.so3 cmp.w #256,d0
blt.b .so4
move.w #255,d0
move.w d0,y_spr
.so4 add.w #$2c-2,d0
cmp.w #256,d0
blt.b .ok_yspr1
or.b #%100,d1
.ok_yspr1 move.b d0,(a1)
add.w #4*6,d0
cmp.w #256,d0
blt.b .ok_yspr2
or.b #%10,d1
.ok_yspr2 move.b d0,8(a1)
move.b d1,9(a1)
flip_spr movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1,-(a7)
move.w #$24,$104(a6) ;sprites in front
lea.l $140(a6),a0
moveq #0,d0
moveq #$10-1,d1
.clr move.l d0,(a0)+ ;clr spr data
dbf d1,.clr
move.w #$20,$96(a6) ;Sprite DMA OFF
not.b gfx_param
beq.b .nospr
move.w #$8020,$96(a6) ;Sprite DMA ON
lea.l sprite1,a0
lea.l $0.w,a1
move.w #(sprite_len*2)/4-1,d1
.loop move.l (a0),d0
move.l (a1),(a0)+
move.l d0,(a1)+
dbf d1,.loop
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d1/a0-a1
cnop 0,4
;-------------- picture editor variables (cmd P) -----
depth dc.w 8
bitplan dcb.l 8,0
bitplan_lock dc.b %00000000 ;1 bit for each bitplan
hires dc.b 0 ;0=low-res -1=high res
ham dc.b 0 ;0=HAM off -1=HAM on
ehb dc.b 0 ;0=EHB off -1=EHB on
gfx_param dc.b 0
set_height dc.b 0 ;set height mode on/off
p_used dc.b 0 ;-1 if P command used (for SP)
width dc.w 320
height dc.w 256
tmp_height dc.w 0 ;used by set height
tmp_bitplan dcb.l 8,0 ;keep top of screen for set height
modulo dc.w 0
spr_color dc.w 0 ;no of bank used for sprite color
x_spr: dc.w 0
y_spr: dc.w 0
x_spr2: dc.w 0
y_spr2: dc.w 0
old_mx: dc.w 0
old_my: dc.w 0
left: dc.b 0
right: dc.b 0
mouse_speed: dc.b 0
cnop 0,4
;sprite for gfx-ripper info pannel (HELP key)
sprite1: dc.w $3080,0,0,0,$4800,0,0,0
rept 6*4
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
empty_spr dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
sprite_len equ (27*16)
sprite2: dc.w $3080,0,0,0,$4800,0,0,0
rept 6*4
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0